Art Exhibitions In Yorkshire blandscliff Gallery and Studio. Artist run gallery selling Contemporary Art, Painting Pottery ceramics sculpture - Scarborough
Exhibitions 2013

An exhibition based on the sculpture and ceramics of Burton Agnes Hall.

Australian-British Artist - Shirley Sheppard

Yorkshire potters - John Egerton, Jill Christie

Other artists - George Ormeron, Jim Faulkner, Emma Williams, Victoria Leeks, Laura Hancock, Steve Booton, Caroline Burton, Janice Whitby, Alan Ball.

24th March -31st May 

Shirley Sheppard  

Shirley spent two weeks as resident artist living at Burton Agnes Hall in West Yorkshire. She concentrated on drawing the sculptures in the house and gardens. This Elizabethan hall has a rich collection of art spanning several generations and is well worth a visit for its house, gardens and the collections.

John Egerton  


John, a well respected and collected potter in the Yorkshire area has taken images of the ceramics at the hall and combined them with images from the wallpaper, curtains and the pots themselves to create an impressive diplay for this exhibition.




by the Gallery Invited

Artist Ruth Miemczyk has been asked to create a series of images based on the sea.

She will be working daily at the gallery/studio and each day the walls will be updated with a new image.

Potters - John Egerton, Jill Christie, George Ormerog, Jim Faulkner, Emma Williams, Victoria Leeks, Laura Hancock, Steve Booton, Caroline Burton

5th June - 1st August

No details of works and prices  





Land and Sea Inspirations - Wendy Tate

 1st August - 10th October

More Works







                                  blandscliff gallery

                                 9 Blands Cliff

                                 Scarborough, England

 5                               YO11 1NR   tel 01723 367252

Each year we present various themed exhibitions.

The artists run Fine art gallery with attached studio has contemporary

 Painting Ceramics Sculpture Printing  Pottery

 from artists in   the north of England particularly Yorkshire

For details about submitting to exhibitions please email us